Major Projects Procurement

Havieron Project

The Havieron Project (the Project) is located 45km east of Newcrest’s existing Telfer operation (Paterson Province) and is the target of a Newcrest operated farm-in joint venture with Greatland Gold. 

Newcrest has adopted a staged approach to the evaluation and development of Havieron aiming to deliver early production and cash flows from the project while work continues to define potential resource additions and assess growth targets.

A number of initial early procurement packages for project management support services, early works scopes, long lead equipment items have been identified that may advance to market engagement tendering during the Feasibility Study period.

Package list

Earthworks and Road - Design and Construct Works

Surface HV power and Substations - Design and Construct Works

Process Agitator Supply

Process Thickener Supply

Oxygen Plant - Design and Construct Works

Underground Primary Ventilation and Cooling - EPC

Paste Plant Infrastructure - EPC Works

Mine Specification Workshops and Fit Out Works

Mine Site Buildings Works

Borefields Pumping and Piping Works

Potable Water and Sewerage Treatment Works

Bulk Fuel Storage Works and Fuel Management System

Processing Flotation Cells Supply

Process Plant SMPEI - EPC Works

Project Management Services